速報APP / 攝影 / Fat Body Kiosk © HD Lite

Fat Body Kiosk © HD Lite


檔案大小:14.8 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 3.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Fat Body Kiosk © HD Lite(圖1)-速報App

Do you want to see the future?

Look fat without the food!

Make your FACE and/or BODY look FAT!

Lots of fun with this hi-tech app that increases your size and looks, as you gain weight or age.

Avoid this by knowing how bad you might look.

A new visualization app that adds the effects of weight gain and aging to any full body photo.

The app employs automatic face recognition to detect the eyes, mouth, chin, shoulders, belly button, and leg separator with advanced image processing to simulate how that body would appear if the person gained 100 pounds and/or aged 20 years.

Fat Body Kiosk © HD Lite(圖2)-速報App

Photos may be taken from the Gallery or camera, and shared using Facebook, Twitter, eMail, or SMS (from the picture gallery, once it's saved). The app includes both automatic and manual controls, and works with any iPhone, iPad, iPad 2 or iPod Touch.

Feature Highlights:

* See what someone would look like if they were overweight

* Hi-tech image processing of actual photos produces realistic results

* Works on any iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch (including all generations).

* Automatic and manual controls

* Share results from within the app using Facebook, Twitter, eMail, or SMS (from the picture gallery, once it's saved).

Fat Body Kiosk © HD Lite(圖3)-速報App

Whether the subject finds it horrifying or hilarious, Fat Body Kiosk © HD gives pranksters the ability to automatically add the effects of weight and/or age to any frontal photo.

For best results the developers recommend the use of good quality photos, taken from the front.

It is also helpful if the subject's head is not tilted, and they should be smiling.

With these conditions met, the automatic facial recognition of the app locates the position and dimensions of the eyes, mouth, and chin. Using these as reference points, the app's image processing function widens the bridge of the nose, broadens the cheeks, adds a double chin, and fattens your belly.

The 'Lite Edition' will allow you to see how you would look if you had gained weight. If you want to save and share these picture using Facebook, Twitter, email or SMS, (from the picture gallery, once the photo has been saved) please upgrade with an In-App Purchase.

Users can create custom effects using the manual controls to outline the photo's reference points.

Be ready to look your appearance.

Fat Body Kiosk © HD Lite(圖4)-速報App

Look below at the samples!

Get your download!

Fat Body Kiosk © HD Lite(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad